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In the 1800s, homeopathy exploded in popularity in the United States and Europe, and its most ardent supporters included European royalty, American entrepreneurs, literary giants, and religious leaders. But as it was gaining widespread popularity, it became the target of entrenched hostility and vigilant opposition from the medical establishment. The struggle between homeopathy and conventional medicine was protracted and acrimonious.
The history of homeopathy begins with the discoveries of its founder, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Hahnemann coined the term "homeopathy" ("homoios" in Greek means similar and "pathos" means suffering) to refer to the pharmacological principle, the law of similars, upon which it is founded. Actually, Hippocrates and Paracelsus had previously described the law of similars, and it was utilised by many cultures, including the Mayans, Chinese, Greeks, Native American Indians, and Asian Indians. However, Hahnemann was the first to codify the law of similars into a systematic medical science.
Samuel Hahnemann grew dissatisfied with the prevalent medical practices of his time, is the man credited with developing the method. Among these, practices was the recommendation of poisonous substances such as arsenic and lead. While he was researching the negative effects of such substances, he came to the conclusion that illnesses could be treated with very small amounts of the substance that, in larger quantities, was responsible for causing them.
Although the concept that like cures like can be traced back to Hippocrates (460-377 BC), it was Hahnemann who developed it into a treatment system. Hahnemann tested a variety of natural substances, including plants, minerals, and metals, on himself and a group of volunteers over the course of several years. To prevent harmful side effects, he diluted each medication until he reached the maximum concentration that would still produce an effect. These experiments, known as provings, constitute the basis of homeopathic medicine.
Homeopathy came to India as early as 1810 when a French traveler, Dr. John Martin Honigberger who learnt Homoeopathy from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann visited India and treated patients with Homeopathy. In his second visit in the year 1839, he treated the then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Dulcamara. Maharaja was elated with the results and encouraged him to continue the propagate Homeopathy in India. Homeopathy continued to spread and Indians found in its philosophy and principles, a reflection of their belief and culture. The ancient Hindu physicians had, in fact recognized the “Law of Similars” as one of the principles of treatment. In the Bhagwat Purana, written hundred of years ago in the Bhagwat Purana – a Sanskrit couplet says “Vishaya Vishmoshashi” to which Homoeopathy took root and flourished.
The National Institute of Homoeopathy was established in December, 1975 as an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act of 1961. This institute was set up with a view to promoting the growth and development of Homoeopathy in the country by producing graduates and post graduates in Homoeopathy.
In India, homoeopathy is the third most popular method of medical treatment after Allopathy and Ayurveda. There are over 250,000 registered homeopathic doctors currently, with approximately 12,000 more being added every year.