SBL Equisetum Hyemale Q 1X
Equisetum hyemale MT is used in cases of enuresis and dysuria. This remedy is indicated in cases of cystic irritation with tenesmus, nocturnal enuresis, dropsy, and renal calculi.
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Product Details
Principal action on the bladder. A remedy for enuresis and dysuria.
Urinary.--Severe, dull pain and feeling of fullness in bladder, not relieved by urinating. Frequent urging with severe pain at the close of urination. Urine flows only drop by drop. Sharp, burning, cutting pain in urethra while urinating.
Incontinence in children, with dreams or night-mares when passing urine. Incontinence in old women, also with involuntary stools. Retention and dysuria during pregnancy and after delivery. Much mucus in urine. Albuminuria. Involuntary urination.
Kidney.--Deep pain in region of right kidney, extending to lower abdomen, with urgent desire to micturate. Right lumbar region painful.