SBL Myrica Cerifera Q 1X
Myrica cerifera MT has marked action on the liver with jaundice, and mucous membranes. It is used for persistent sleeplessness in jaundice. Research has proved that myricadiol has a mild effect on potassium-sodium levels, whereas myricitrin is an anti-bacterial.
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Product Details
Marked action on the liver, with jaundice and mucous membranes. Persistent sleeplessness. Jaundice.
Mind.--Despondent, irritable, indifferent. Gloomy.
Head.--Scalp feels tight. Headache, with drowsiness; yellow sclerotica; aching in eyeballs. Pressure in vertex and forehead. Dull, heavy aching in temples and forehead on waking in the morning. Pain and stiffness in nape of neck.
Face.--Yellow, Itching and stinging. Creeping sensation.
Mouth.--Tongue furred, with bad taste in mouth, and nausea. Tenacious, thick, nauseous secretion. Tender, spongy and bleeding gums (Merc).
Throat.--Constricted and rough feeling, with a constant desire to swallow. Stringy mucus; detached with difficulty.
Stomach.--Taste bitter and nauseous, with offensive breath. Complete loss appetite, but with a feeling of fullness in the stomach after a hearty meal. Strong desire for acids. Weak, sinking feeling in the epigastrium, approaching nausea; increased after eating; relieved by rapid walking.
Abdomen.--Dull pain in the region of the liver. Complete jaundice, with bronze-yellow skin; loss of appetite. Fullness in the stomach and abdomen. Scanty, yellow, frothy urine.
Stool.--Constant discharge of flatus when walking. Urging to stool, with no other results than the expulsion of a great amount of flatus. Loose, light-colored stool; ash-colored and destitute of bile.
Urinary.--Dark, frothy, scanty, high-colored, biliary.
Sleep.--Disturbed, bad dreams and frequent waking; insomnia.
Extremities.--Staggering gait. Pain under shoulder-blades and back of neck, in all muscles, in hollow of right foot.
Skin.--Yellow and itching. Jaundice. Creeping sensation, as of insects.