Dandruff, Alopecia (hairloss) & thinning of hair. Conditions scalp & hair, nourishes the hair roots. Prevents itching & irritation of scalp & split ends.
193.50 215.00 10% OFF
Pack Size(1)
Product Details
A perfect hair tonic. The internal medication checks dandruff, premature greying of hair and split ends. The external preparation conditions scalp and hair and also nourishes the hair roots. Hair Aid is inevitable for natural growth of healthy hair.
Compostion: Internal Preparation: Acidum phos. 3x, Lycopodium clavatum 3x, Jaborandi 2x, Natrum mur.8x.
External Preparation: Cinchona off. Ø, Arnica mont. Ø, Jaborandi Ø, Cantharis Ø.
Indications: Dandruff, Alopecia (hairloss) & thinning of hair. Conditions scalp & hair, nourishes the hair roots. Prevents itching & irritation of scalp & split ends.
Directions for use of External Preparation: Mix with oil & apply on scalp every alternate day.
Adults: 40-45 drops. Children: 20-25 drops.
Dosage of Internal Preparation: Dilute with half tablespoon of water.
Adults: 10-12 drops twice daily.
Children: 5-6 drops twice daily.