For frequent and/or painful urination of Prostatitis & Prostate hypertrophy.
180.00 200.00 10% OFF
Pack Size(1)
Product Details
Homoeopathic Formula ‘P’ Tablets is a combination of several clinically tried potentized homoeopathic medicines which give relief in problems of prostate, thereby avoiding unnecessary surgery. The medicine in microdoses promotes normal functioning of gland without side effects. It is used for painful or frequent urination.
Composition: Chimaphila umbellata 3x, Clematis erecta 3x, Conium maculatum 3x, Ferrum picricum 6x, Pareira brava 3x, Populus tremuloides 3x, Pulsatilla nigricans 3x, Sabal serrulata 3x.
Indications: For frequent and/or painful urination of Prostatitis & Prostate hypertrophy.
Dosage: 1 tablet, 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.