Helps relieve tearing, drawing pains in muscles, bones and joints, pain and stiffness of back and neck, shooting pain & numbness down the legs and muscle weakness in legs. Relieves pain associated with disorders like acute and chronic myalgia, lumbago (lower backache), Spondylosis and rheumatic disorders.

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Product Details

Pain Drops: Muscle & joint pain is most frequently related to tension, overuse or injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles or joints and starts during or just after the activity.

Composition: Berberis vulgaris 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 8x, Causticum hahnemanni 3x, Rhododendron chrysanthum 3x, Rhus toxicodendron 3x

Indications: Helps relieve tearing, drawing pains in muscles, bones and joints, pain and stiffness of back and neck, shooting pain & numbness down the legs and muscle weakness in legs. Relieves pain associated with disorders like acute and chronic myalgia, lumbago (lower backache), Spondylosis and rheumatic disorders.

Dosage: An acute cases take 10 drops in some water 3 times a day. Once improvement starts reduce the dose. In chronic cases take 10 drops in some water 2 times daily before meals for atleast 12-16 weeks. Or as advised by the physician.

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