Helps relieve thick/watery discharge from nose, recurrent sneezing, stuffy nose, headache especially in Sinusitis. Relieves inflammation of the nasal passages, presentation of Nasal polyps, Adenoiditis in children and consequent inability of olfaction.
157.50 175.00 10% OFF
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Product Details
Sinus Drops: Sinusitis is a common problem caused by acute or chronic inflammation of the Paranasal Sinuses. It presents with malaise, mild fever, headache, pain behind the eyes and nasal discharge. The area of the face over the inflamed sinus may even appear swollen in some cases.
Composition: Arsenicum album 6x, Calcarea carbonica 8x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Kalium bichromicum 4x, Pulsatilla nigricans 3x.
Indications: Helps relieve thick/watery discharge from nose, recurrent sneezing, stuffy nose, headache especially in Sinusitis. Relieves inflammation of the nasal passages, presentation of Nasal polyps, Adenoiditis in children and consequent inability of olfaction.
Dosage: Take 10 drops in luke warm water 3 times a day. In acute cases take10-15 drops in luke warm water, 2 hourly, 6 times a day or as prescribed by the physician