. Sometimes the cough is so severe and distressing that the patient supports the larynx. The symptoms are ameliorated in the open air and aggravated in a close, warm room.
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Product Details
Allium cepa MT is indicated in an acute coryza, with an acrid nasal discharge, which is worse in the warm room and towards evening, and is relieved while in the open air; also in acute conjunctivitis with a bland lachrymation. It is of service in cases of hay-fever when there is a profuse watery flow from the nose and eyes, with much itching of the nose, conjunctiva and naso-pharynx, and nasal obstruction, headache, and disturbance of sleep and appetite. The catarrh may extend to the larynx and trachea with characteristics of rough, dry, hoarse cough, dependent upon a tickling in the larynx. Sometimes the cough is so severe and distressing that the patient supports the larynx. The symptoms are ameliorated in the open air and aggravated in a close, warm room.