Janosia asoka MT has a great influence over the female organs. It is used in treating irregular menstrual cycles, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, etc. It is reported to have oxytoxic properties, as an uterine stimulant and has spasmogenic action on uterus. It is also reported to have immunomodulator and anti-helminthic properties.
144.00 180.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(2)
Product Details
Janosia asoka MT is an alcoholic extract prepared from the bark of the tree Saraca indica. The use of genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of alcohol, namely Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) make Schwabe India’s dilutions and mother tinctures superior to other dilutions available in the market. Extra Neutral Alcohol guarantees that the dilutions and mother tinctures are free from impurities.