It is beneficial in nervous, dry, hysterical coughs, with sudden hoarseness, nervous aphonia, oppression of the chest, and frequent fainting spells. A study has showed that Nux moschata mother tincture has protected against loss of glutathione and lipid peroxidation.
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Product Details
Nux moschata MT is useful in flatulent dyspepsia. There is a nervous irritation of the intestinal tract. It is of service in diarrhoea when the stools are soft and like chopped eggs. There is loss of appetite, great sleepiness, and a tendency to faint. It should be remembered during the menstrual period, when the menses are too early and too profuse. The flow is thick and black; there is vaginal flatulence. It is beneficial in nervous, dry, hysterical coughs, with sudden hoarseness, nervous aphonia, oppression of the chest, and frequent fainting spells. A study has showed that Nux moschata mother tincture has protected against loss of glutathione and lipid peroxidation.