It is indicated in constipation, dyspepsia, hypochondriasis, malarial fevers, bad effect of tea and tobacco, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
The main action of this homeopathic medicine Abies nigra is on the digestive system. It is often indicated when there is a sensation as if a hard body or as if a hard-boiled egg, had lodged in the cardiac end of the stomach or the oesophagus. These complaints are aggravated after eating. Indigestion and constipation caused by too much tea and tobacco chewing. The pain in the stomach always comes after eating due to indigestion. Frequent, offensive eructations with distressing sensation in the stomach. Total loss of appetite in the morning but great craving for food at noon and night. Sleeplessness from hunger at night. Dyspeptic troubles of aged people with functional heart symptoms. Complaints from taking tea or tobacco for a long time.