It is reported to be useful in asthma, enuresis, ganglion, gout, rheumatism, etc.
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Product Details
It has a marked action on metabolism. It produces and cures symptoms of a uric acid diathesis, with urine highly coloured and very offensive, and gouty symptoms. Child wants to be nursed in the arms, will not be laid down. Asthmatic cough worse at night better by lying on right side.
The main action of the remedy is upon urinary system. It is one of the most prescribed remedies for offensive smell and colour of urine. It has marked action to decrease the accumulation of uric acid in the blood.
Mind : Always thinks about unpleasant things of the past. Tends to omit words in writing perhaps due to Depression.
Head : In case of vertigo sensation as if falling on sideways. Throbbing pain above the ear, and causes puffing around the ears. Cold sweat occurs on forehead.
Ears : Swelling behind the ears. Noises heard on ears while swallowing.
Nose : Pain around the root of the nose.
Face : Copper coloured spots with reddish blister on the face. Redness of cheek.
Mouth : Tongue is ulcerated. Bleeding will be bluish on gums.
Stomach : Increased sweat all over the body while eating food. Pressure in stomach with sensation of lump.
Abdomen : Cutting pain around the navel and stitching pain in the liver region.
Rectum : Stitches and constricted feeling of rectum. Itching and warty elevations around the anus.
Stool : Diarrhoeain children, frothy offensive liquid, light coloured, like soapsuds.
Urinary Bladder : Dribbling and offensive urine of old men due to excess of uric acid deposition. Vesical catarrh from suppressed gonorrhea. Infection of any part of bladder. Offensive urine in bedwetting children. Urine will be dark, brown with scanty.
Respiratory system : Hoarse in the morning. Asthmatic cough; Worse at lying on right side and night. Pain in the region of Heart. Expectoration of green mucus.
Back : Pressure on the spinal column. Coldness of the sacrum. Mild pain in the region of kidney. Pain will be more due to drinking of wine.
Extremities : Joint get crack on motion. Pain in Tendo-achillis region. Tearing and stitching pain will be present. Gouty deposits.Swelling present at wrist Joint. Pain and swelling in knees. A bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe with tearing pain.
Fever : Hand, feet, back and knees will be cold. Cold sweat,]. Internal heat on awakening.
Skin : Red spots. Itching in spots.
Modalities : Worse in open air, uncovering at night, lying on right side. Better by heat.