It is reported to be useful in headache, arthritis, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, etc.

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Product Details

Headache makes him apprehensive about trifles. Pain in ankles and up back of leg. Profuse offensive sweat of feet. Stool is accompanied by pain and straining.

Volatile acid obtained chiefly from butter.

Head: A state of worry even over trifles. Suicidal thoughts with continuous fear and nervousness. Headache causes anxiety. Dull ache. Worse by motion, at night and going upstairs.

Stomach: Lack of appetite. Gas formation with cramps worse at night. Heaviness in stomach with full feeling. Abdominal cramps and irregular stools that are accompanied by pain and straining.

Back: Back feels tired with dull pain, worse by walking. Pain in ankles extending up to the back of leg.

Sleep: Unable to sleep. Dreams of serious affairs causing an inability to relax.

Skin: Perspiration on slightest exertion. Profuse and smelly sweat of feet. Finger-nails crumble.

Modalities: Worse, at night, fast walking, going upstairs.

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