It is reported to be useful in angina pectoris, gangrene, gout, lumbago, rheumatism, warts, etc.

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Product Details

Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this drug. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive discharges.

Symptoms that come and go suddenly. Periodic occurrence of symptoms. Offensive and bloody discharges. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Warts on skin. Pains of a cutting nature in eyes. Hard cough, has to swallow sputum. Vomits the breakfast eaten. Disagreeable pricking and itching all over the body, with uneasiness in limbs. Pain of left side better by turning onto right side. Pain on waking of a shifting nature on the trunk. Sensation of emptiness in chest.

Mind and Head: Confusion for two days with very weak memory. Fullness of head with giddiness on going down the stairs. Throbbing pains.

Respiratory: Scabs in nose with pain and discharge. Offensive smell in nose especially after breakfast and dinner . Tough white mucus in throat, has to swallow it.

Stool: Watery stools with nausea and vertigo. Bleeding from rectum with weakness in lower back. Sudden desire for stool after tea.
Chest: Pain in chest causing frequent waking in the night.

Extremities: Restlessness in limbs. Uneasiness, stiffness and pain in extremities Itching in armpits at night.

Modalities: Aggravation by least draught of air and by cold water, at night and early morning, 2 to 6 a.m., left side for pain
Symptoms can also be found in:
1. Eyes
2. Mouth

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