It is reported to be useful in gout, rheumatism, muscular pain, etc.

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Product Details

Chronic muscle pain. Failing vision. Muscular pains and soreness. Gout and joint rheumatism, which appear suddenly. Pains usually worse on right side, motion and better from pressure. Tremors. Marked diuretic effect, greater elimination of products of disassimilation, particularly urea. Chronic arthritis in connection with gouty diathesis. Chronic arthritis following an attack of acute rheumatic fever shows also remarkable results although often pains of a neuralgic character persisting in certain spots are very stubborn.

Pains that appear suddenly, and move from place to place. Brain feels too heavy and large. Sensation as if a bubble burst in the forehead. Pains from the back of the right ear till the back of the head. Pain in extremities worse by motion and better by pressure. Right sided affections. Chronic stiffness in joints. Complaints from over lifting. Suited to chilly constitutions. Helps in arresting polyp like growths.

Head: Vertigo and headache originating from left ear. Ringing and buzzing in ears. Feels as if a bubble burst in forehead. Weak memory. Congestion and stopped-up feeling in nose.

Stomach: Constant pressure in the stomach accompanied by a burning pain. Nausea and vomiting of yellow mucus with headache. Gastric headache.

Abdomen and Stool: Passing of only flatus in the morning followed by sensation of diarrhea. Pain in abdomen before stool, with shuddering from cold.

Respiratory: Hoarseness, with dryness and sore throat. Cough aggravates at night. Cough causes pain in forehead and in chest.

Extremities: Stiffness of extremities. Lower extremities feel weak. Sudden pain with restlessness. Relief in pains after midnight and by rubbing.

Modalities: Worse in cold and by cold washing, in dampness and before a snowstorm. Better by warmth, pressure, rubbing and by combing hair.

Symptoms may also be found in the:
1. Sexual Sphere
2. Eyes
3. Urinary organs

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