It is reported to be useful in Diabetes, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Sciatica, etc.

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Product Details

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy. Troubles in the breasts. Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

Helpful in Morning sickness. Troubles in the breasts. Conditions relating to the vocal cords. Pain, swelling, stiffness and tenderness of joints made worse by motion. Flying type of pains in limbs. Nausea, vomiting, burning and sense of weight, commonly seen even when milk sours in the stomach. Pains in multiple joints along with excessive thirst, hunger and urination. Conditions resembling elevated blood sugar levels. Constant nausea, nausea on waking up before getting up from the bed which is better after eating. excessive non offensive foot sweat. Suited to anemic and pale looking women.

Throat: Sensation of fullness or lump like a puff ball. Compelled to swallow.

Stomach: Tongue is dry, parched. Excessive hunger. Excessive salivation and water-brash. Hot, corroding eructation. Nausea better by eating, worse by smoking.

Chest: Pain in breasts, with enlarged glands. Pain extending to upper extremities.

Extremities: Pain in multiple joints, with much weakness. Trembling walking with chilly feeling in the limbs.

Urine: Excessive urination.

Modalities: Amelioration by eating. Aggravation by smoking which causes eructation.

Other symptoms can also be found in:
1. Extremities
2. Respiratory
3. Skin
4. Male and Female Genitilia
5. Sleep
6. Fever

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