It is reported to be useful in haemorrhoids, measles, aphthae, scarlatina, psoriasis, etc.

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Product Details

It has an elective affinity for the blood, producing a septic condition similar to that found in low fevers with high temperature and great prostration. Patient becomes so weak she slides down the bed. Decomposition of fluids. Involuntary stools while passing urine.

High fever and great prostration. So weak that has to slide down the bed. Stool passes with urine. Mouth and anus main centers of affection.

Mind: Irritable. Restless and sad, suffers in silence.

Head: Back of head heavy as if filled with lead. Voices intolerable causing great irritability. Vertigo worse by lying on right side. Pain as if brain is crushed.

Face: Lower jaw fallen with dry cracked lips. Pimples all over the face.

Mouth: Tongue, pale, swollen, dry, leathery, paralyzed. Offensive breath from mouth.

Throat: Throat is swollen, dark, and raw. Swallowing produces spasm and choking.

Stomach: Cannot even look at or think of meat. Ravenous appetite with great desire to drink water.

Rectum: Anal itching with sensitivity to touch.

Fever: Cold extremities and heat without thirst. Restlessness. Involuntary discharges. Excessive prostration.

Modalities: Worse, in damp weather and before midnight. Better by lying on left side.

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