It is reported to be useful in enuresis, convulsions, neuralgia, myelitis, meningitis, paralysis, etc.
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Violent pains in spots worse by motion, and thinking of complaints. Periodical complaints.. Spasms of throat and chest.
Head: Head feels hot. Confusion with vertigo. Headache, before and during stool, worse by lying down, after sleeping and on rising. Pain better after stool. Vertigo when looking out of the window and when rising from a seat.
Abdomen: Violent pains in abdomen relieved by discharge of flatus. Burning pain, extending upwards. Cannot tolerate strawberries. Diarrhea from coffee.
Respiratory: Spasmodic breathing with hoarseness. Difficulty breathing. Sneezing with coryza, with chilliness. Red swelling at right side of nose. Hoarseness. Larynx feels swollen and contracted with sensation of mucus during talking. Sounds like an old man’s voice. Constant dry cough on exertion. Mucous secretion in throat increased, in small lumps, or hard or thick, yellowish-white phlegm, with black lumps in center of it. Difficulty of breathing, with oppression of right side of chest when moving about in the evening. Spasmodic breathing in paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease.
Urinary: Frequent and copious urine. Burning in urethra and pain when urinating. Compelled to urinate when thinking of it.
Extremities: Numb, weak, tingling. Pains start from spine to extremities. Drawing and lancinating pains down extremities. Back feels weak. Wrist painful, as if sprained. Lower extremities blue and cold. Sharp pains in various parts.
Skin: Sensitive and sore, worse shaving. Sweats a lot.
Other symptoms are found also in:
1. Throat
2. Teeth
3. Stool and Rectum
4. Extremities
5. Fever
Violent pain in epigastrium, discharge of flatus relieves. Gastralgia, pyrosis, sensation of coldness below epigastrium.Terrible neuralgic pains in spermatic cord. Heart symptoms alternate with aphonia, angina pectoris; sharp, lancinating pain in left lung coming on suddenly, depriving of breath.