It is reported to be useful in hyperacidity, alcoholism, cancer, paralysis, pneumonia, gangrene, varicose vein, etc.

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It is useful in epidemic influenza, especially with violent and retching and greatest prostration. Spinal neurasthenia, muscular weakness, dyspnoea with myocardial weakness.

Weakness with tremors, does everything in a hurry. Of use in gangrene following mechanical injuries. Writer’s cramp. Relaxed feeling in the stomach. Craving for stimulants. Tries to do everything in a hurry. Useful after mechanical injuries.

Mind: Impatient. Doesn?t want to answer questions. Always hurried. Excitable. Cannot trust anyone. Inclination to weep. Irritable, peevish with disgust for life. Sometimes serious while other times behaves foolishly.

Head: Pain in Right side of head like shocks and skin feels pinched. Pain in head relieved by holding the hands near the head. Brain feels loose, as if falling from side to side. Pain in right temple as if something were being pressed inwards. Sensation of heaviness and fullness as if head would burst.

Stomach: Heartburn which sets teeth on edge. Craving for alcohol and other stimulants. Water causes coldness of stomach; cannot intake water unless it be mixed with liquors. Cannot tolerate the smell of coffee. Desire for fresh food. Coldness of stomach better by hot application. Sensation on left side of abdomen as if organs would come out.

Rectum: Oozing dampness from the anus. Rectum feels as if it had a big ball. Fetid black diarrhea with sour odor. Ineffectual urgings to stool with hard feces. Watery offensive diarrhea.

Respiratory: Rapid breathing with movement of wings of nose. Throat moves up and down violently. Short teasing cough in children. Cough worse by cold water, walking, riding, and smelling coffee. Cough in the open air.

Skin: Bad effects from mechanical injuries, with bruises and livid skin. Bright red blotches on the skin that itch and burn. Eruptions on the skin discharging pus. Gnawing pains in skin complaints.

Other symptoms also found in:
1. Ears
2. Nose
3. Mouth
4. Throat
5. Urinary
6. Female sexual
7. Fever

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