It is reported to be useful in pruritus, glycosuria, pulmonary emphysema, etc.

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Product Details

It is used to cover side effects of corticotropin. In is indicated in epigastric constriction, pruritus, dryness of skin, oedema, and adipose infiltration of the upper part of the body, renal glycosuria and pulmonary emphysema.

Person is dull and depressive. Undertakes many projects but is unable to complete any. There is pallor and the skin loses its color. Frequent micturition. Frequent and urgent need to urinate.

Mind: Anxiety when alone. Forsaken feelings along with a desire for death. Memory weak, used the wrong words and makes mistakes in spellings. Mood alternates from timid to irresolute and irritable. Sees mice running around the room. Forgetful with lack of concentration. Cannot remember names. Depressed and absent minded.

Head: Congestion and headache aggravated by coughing, standing up and walking. Can sleep only after 1 am

Skin: Thinning of the skin. Skin is dirty and discharges pus from eruptions. Skin of the face dry , with sensation of heat at night. Chapping of the right thumb . Pruritus of the hands and knees, worse from the heat of the bed. Profuse sweating of the feet. Dryness of the palms of the hands, and of the nail beds. Fine, powdery exfoliation on the back of the fingers.

Stomach: Nausea, especially from milk or fats, and when travelling on a bus. Nausea ameliorated by sipping cold water. Food tastes unpleasant. Constriction in the pit of the stomach, with the sensation that food is stuck there. Pain around the umbilicus; worse before, and better after stool.

Throat: Throat dry, with sensation of swollen tonsils. Pain at the back of the throat as from a splinter, ameliorated by drinking a little cold water, aggravated by movement. Tickling at the back of the throat, worse in a hot room. Cough, on waking, worse from 10 a.m. to midday, and with cold air. Sputum frothy. Sighing in sleep.

Back and Extremities: Cervical pain , aggravated by moving the head. Pain in the knee, aggravated by any movement. Weakness of the left leg and buttocks. Ankles swollen.

Modalities: Aggravation From coughing; from walking; from standing; in the morning. Amelioration In the afternoon.

Other symptoms found in:
1. Mouth
2. Chest
3. Urinary

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