It is reported to be useful in diarrhoea, dysentery, impotency, etc.

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Product Details

It is indicated in bleeding pile, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever with dropsy and impotency.

Helpful in cases of fever and excessive phlegm formation. Useful in both diarrhea and constipation. Pain in abdomen from complaints of stool. Swelling of the body with retention of water with continued fever. Bruised pains and weakness with diminished appetite. Sensation heat that is worse by movement and better by rest. Useful in cases of ringworm. Flatus passes with a loud sound with water brash.

Mind: Mistakes in writing. Anxiety with heat and a bruised feeling. Lack of concentration while studying.

Head: Heaviness of the head with sneezing, better after tea. Heaviness with soreness of right eye, with sore pain, with thirst. Pain in the frontal region of the head, better in open air and by pressure. Bursting pain with profuse sweat all over the body. Headache between 4am to 8pm.

Eyes: Pain and soreness of right eye. Eyes feel full of sand. Agglutination of the eyes. Watery discharge of the left eye better by closing the eyes.

Nose: Bland, white or watery coryza. Sneezing with heaviness of head with chills and weakness. Coryza with profuse salivation.
Stomach: Nausea and vomiting with weakness. Nausea at the sight of food. Vomiting of watery fluid containing food particles. Sour smelling vomit. Semi solid stool with decreased appetite and a bad taste in the mouth. Yellow coated tongue during fever with imprints of the teeth on the sides.

Back and Extremities: Red small painful eruptions of the back that discharge pus. Itching worse by covering and rubbing, better in the open air. Bruised pain in the lower back worse by sitting and walking. Bruised pain in multiple joints with sleepiness, worse by motion and better by pressure. Aching pain of right hand worse by holding anything. Pain in knee joints made worse by motion. Eruptions of lower limbs with itching.

Other symptoms also found in:
1. Chest
2. Skin
3. Sleep
4. Fever

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