It is reported to be useful in Brain-fag. cholera infantum. convulsions. cough, dyspepsia, headache, herpes, etc.
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Product Details
The characteristic symptoms relate mainly to the brain and nervous system, connected with gastro-intestinal disturbance. Anguish, crying, and expression of uneasiness and discontent, lead to this remedy most frequently in disease in children, during dentition, summer complaint, when, with the diarrhoea, there is marked inability to digest milk, and poor circulation.
The main spheres of action of this remedy are brain and nervous system associated with gastro-intestinal disturbance. It is mostly indicated in diseases of children during dentition with diarrhea, during lactation with inability to digest the milk, and poor circulation.
Mind: Marked restlessness with anxiety and irritability. Weakness of memory, with nervous exhaustion and unconsciousness during delirium.
Head: Sensation as if head is bound in a vise. Pain in the nape of neck extending down the spine, better by lying down and pressure. Headache relieved by passing flatus and stool. Dizziness with drowsiness and palpitation.
Eyes: Inflammation of glands in the eyelids with photophobia. Dilated pupils and rolling of eyes on falling asleep.
Ears: sensation as if the ears are blocked with hissing sounds in the ears.
Nose: Blockage of nose with thick mucus and frequent inclination to sneeze. Vesicular eruption on the tip of the nose.
Face: Swollen with expression of anxiety and pain.
Mouth: Dryness of mouth with burning and difficulty in swallowing. Apthous ulcers in the mouth and pustules in the throat.
Stomach: Intolerance of milk which is vomited as soon as taken or after sometimes in large curds. Regurgitation of food, and violent vomiting of white frothy substance. Increased appetite after vomiting but the sight of food causes nausea with painful contraction of the stomach. Increased sweating and great weakness after vomiting with great anguish and distress, followed by sleepiness.
Abdomen: Coldness of abdomen with colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo, and weakness. Abdomen feels tense and sensitive with distension and bubbling sensation in the umbilical region.
Stool: Stool undigested, watery, greenish in color, preceded by colic with tenesmus and followed by extreme weakness. Vomiting and diarrhea in children and old people with cold, clammy perspiration and stupor with staring eyes and dilated pupils. Bowels feel paralysed with obstinate constipation.
Urinary: Pain in the kidney region and cutting pains in the bladder, with frequent urging.
Female: Sharp pains in the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands with watery menses. Itching pimply eruptions worse when warm.
Respiratory: Difficult breathing with sensation of oppression and marked anxiety. Pain and the sufferings make the patient speechless.
Heart: Violent palpitations and rapid pulsations, with vertigo, headache and restlessness.
Back and Extremities: Weakness of the back and limbs especially of the lower extremities. Clenched fingers with numbness of hands and feet, and violent spasms.
Skin: Friction of thighs when walking leading to excoriations. Surface of body cold and covered with clammy sweat. Itching eruptions around the joints with oedema of the extremities.
Fever: Intense heat without thirst and increased perspiration. Wants to be covered during sweat stage.
Sleep: Restless sleep with violent starts and cold perspiration. Feels very exhausted after vomiting or stool, so exhausted that the child falls asleep immediately.
Modalities: Worse from 3 to 4 am, evenings, warmth and summer. Better in open air and company.