It also has a good effect on cases of portal congestion causing conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and menorrhagia.
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Product Details
A good remedy after misuse of medicines or after overdosing. Ill effects from sedentary life or habits. The rectal symptoms are prominent. Suited to weary people, the aged, and phlegmatic, old beer-drinkers. Dissatisfaction and anger about self that alternates with lumbago. Heat internally and externally.
Head: Headache that alternates with lumbago, with intestinal and uterine affections. Mental labor fatigues. Pain in head after stool. Dull pain; made worse from heat.
Stomach: Aversion to meat with a craving for juicy things. Flatulence after meals with pulsation in rectum and sexual irritation. Nausea along with headache.
Abdomen: Pain around the navel, made worse by pressure. Fullness in right side of the abdomen with pain under right ribs. Abdomen feels full and bloated. Flatus formation, pressing downwards. Severe pain in abdomen before and during stool. Excessive flatulence that burns the anus.
Rectum: Constant feeling of bearing down in rectum. Bleeding from rectum better by cold applications. Rectum feels weak with a sense of insecurity in rectum, when passing flatus. Does not know whether gas or stool will come. Involuntary passage of stool. Stool is lumpy and watery with a lot of mucus. Protrusions like grapes that are very sore and tender; better cold water application. Diarrhea after consumption of beer.
Female: Bearing down in rectum, worse by standing and during menses. Uterus feels heavy, cannot walk much. Labor-like pains in lower abdomen that extend down the legs. Excessive bleeding before menopause.
Modalities: Worse early in the morning; in the summer; from heat; in hot, dry weather; after eating or drinking. Better from cold, open air.
Other symptoms found in:
1. Eyes
2. Mouth
3. Throat
4. Urinary
5. Respiratory
6. Back
It helps in conditions arising as a consequence of sedentary habits. Its characteristic symptom is of the backache alternating with a headache or with piles. It is useful in cases of old people especially in beer drinkers. There are pulsations felt in the rectum and insecurity about the anus when passing flatus. Knows not whether flatus will pass or stool. Stools contain a lot of mucus and hemorrhoids appear like a bunch of grapes which are better by cold application.