It is also useful in many skin and nail conditions such as eczema, brittle and crumbling nails, etc

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Product Details

Alumina CH is mainly indicated for chronic constipation with dryness of mucus membranes and general sluggishness of all the functions of the body with weakness, weariness and atonic state of muscles. It is also useful in many skin and nail conditions such as eczema, brittle and crumbling nails, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is indicated in chronic constipation with dryness of mucus membranes and general sluggishness of all the functions of the body with weakness, weariness and atonic state of muscles.

Head: Headache with stitching and burning pain in head which is worse in morning. Sensation of fainting with nausea and pressure in the forehead. Numbness and itching of scalp, with dryness and falling of hair. Headache from constipation relieved after eating.

Nose: Decreased sense of smell with pressure at the root of nose. Pain at root of nose. Redness of nose with sore nostrils from running nose. Yellowish discharge from nose with thick scabs inside the nostrils.

Throat: Sensation of constriction in the oesophagus with dryness and soreness of throat and difficulty in swallowing. Sore throat and hoarseness from frequent and continuous use of voice with posterior nasal dripping and constant desire to clear the throat.

Stomach: Craving for abnormal things like chalk, charcoal, etc. Pain in the epigastrium with sensation of constriction in the oesophagus. Loss of appetite with aversion to meat and difficulty in swallowing.

Stool: Dryness of mucus membranes of rectum and anus with hard stools. Inactive rectum with itching and burning in the anus. Sluggishness with great straining where, even soft stool is passed with great difficulty. Chronic constipation especially in infants, elderly people and women of inactive habits. Passage of stools while urinating during an attack of diarrhea. Diarrhea preceded by severe urging before stool followed by great straining at stool.

Extremities: Sensation of heat and burning with pain in arm and fingers. Numbness and heaviness of limbs with unsteady gait. Swelling of soles and heels with pain and burning. Pain in the nail bed with thin, brittle nails. Paralysis of the lower limb with spinal affections

Modalities: Worse in the afternoon, in morning on waking up and in warm room. Better in the open air, from cold water, in the evening and damp weather.

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