It is reported to be useful in asthma, convulsions, cough, epistaxis, menstrual irregularity, tympanites, etc.

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Product Details

It is suitable to excitable, nervous children and thin, nervous patients. It is indicated in extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. External numbness of whole body in the morning and weakness. Nervous bilious temperament. Thin, scrawny women. Adapted to hysterical subjects, or those suffering from spinal irritation, with convulsive cough, eructation, etc. Also for patients weakened by age or overwork, who are anaemic and sleepless.

There is a strong desire for open air. Body parts go to sleep. There is a general state of catarrh. Sensitivity to cold. Constriction about the body that feels like a band. Symptoms worse after eating and after physical exertion. Frequent faint feeling. Jerking of muscles. Numbness of parts. Boring pressing tearing pains with great weakness and emaciation.

Mind: Averse to answering questions and to company. Great anxiety in the morning on waking. Fear about the future and of health. Absent-minded and unable to concentrate the mind. Very excitable and forgetful. Fearful in the evening.

Head: Cold head even though there is a rush of blood to the head. Head feels empty. Falling out of hair. Heaviness of the head in the morning and on stooping. Scalp feels numb and there is numbness at the sides of the head.

Eyes: Lids stick together and discharge a yellow purulent fluid. The upper lids are heavy as if paralyzed. Dryness. Redness of the conjunctiva. Itching of the lids and inner canthus of the eyes. Watering of eyes in the open air. Pain in eyes after reading.

Stomach: Increased appetite without desire for food. Hungry after meals. Aversion to beer and cigar both of which were liked before ; to food and meat. Coldness felt in the stomach. Desire for coffee, fruit and sour things. Stomach feels empty and is not better after eating.

Urine: Frequent urging to urinate at night but no urine is passed. Pain during urination with passage of scanty urine. Feeble stream; involuntary on coughing.

Modalities: Morning and at night, in open air, after eating, after physical exertion.

Other symptoms found in:
1. Ears
2. Mouth
3. Rectum
4. Female Reproductive
5. Extremities and Back

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