It is reported to be useful Aphonia, Nephritis, oesophagitis, Rheumatism, Ulcerations, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It is indicated in oedema and ulceration of mucous membranes. Loss of voice. Burning rawness in throat. Excessive exhaustion and muscular debility. Rheumatism of shoulders. Skin hot and dry.
Acts well in cases which have a history of heart troubles. Cases with troubles in breathing and with frequent bleedings. History of snake-bites is supportive. Leading indication is the swelling redness of membranes causing great agony.
Respiratory: Difficulty breathing. Large accumulation of mucus with constant coughing. Unable to speak. Throat feels raw. Spasms in throat with feeling of suffocation. Gasping for breath. Scraping and burning in throat. Roof of mouth covered with white mucus. Nasal discharge burns and excoriates.
Extremities: Excessively exhausted and weak. Pain in shoulders. Skin is hot and dry.