It is reported to be useful in chronic fever, general debility, enlarged glands, liver and spleen disorders, leucorrhoea, etc.

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Product Details

It is indicated for dull and disordered memory; mistakes in spelling, place, etc. can’t fix mind in any subject; easily angered. Heat in the vertex; giddiness; pain in the temples associated with heat which is relieved by cold air and cold application. Burning sensation in the stomach; enlargement of the liver and spleen; nausea and vomiting. Feverish with headache; aching pains; burning of hands and feet.

Useful in cases of chronic constipation. Incases of recurrent infections. Helpful as a supportive treatment in cancer patients. Swelling of multiple glands in the body.

Stomach: Pain in abdomen with swelling. Diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes stained with blood. Swelling in the left side of the abdomen extending to the right. Abdomen feels hard. Chronic constipation with difficult stools.

Respiratory: Recurrent cold and cough as a consequence of decreased immunity.

Female: Pain and swelling in breast, with or without discharge. Hard with swollen glands around it.

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