It is reported to be useful in angina pectoris, chorea, climacteric flushing, epilepsy, headache, sea-sickness, sunstroke, etc.

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It is indicated in Heat and throbbing in the head, with feeling of intense fullness to bursting. Mental confusion and a trance-like state. Intense fullness in head sensation of rushing to vertex. Exophthalmic goitre from grief.

Flushing of face with heat and throbbing in the head. Palpitations. Flushing at the climacteric. ?Yawning with hiccoughs. Jerks of the body. Seasickness.

Head: Anxiety with fear of misfortune. Feels better in the open air. Blood rushes to the head and face. Feels as if blood would come out through skin, with heat and redness.?Flushing and sweat at menopause. Red ears with throbbing.

Throat: Constriction; cannot bear the collar.

Chest: Difficulty breathing with shortness of breath and spasmodic breathing. Chest feels full and oppressed. Cough in spasms. Anxiety felt around the heart. Palpitations at least excitement.

Female: Helpful for pains after child birth. Profuse menses with redness of the face. Headache at menopause with a red and congested face and heat.

Fever: Fever with flushing from heat. Heat followed by cold and clammy skin and excessive sweat. Throbbing throughout the body.?A lot of sweat with respiratory troubles.

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