It is also helpful in urinary complaints such as dysuria, strangury, hematuria, albuminuria, cystitis and urethritis. It is also a helpful remedy for intestinal worms and for the ill effects of vaccinations.

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Product Details

It helps in respiratory conditions with much rattling of mucus but little expectoration. It is suitable to those with a thickly white coated tongue and with a desire for fruits, apples, acids and cold water. All complaints are accompanied by great drowsiness. It is also helpful in urinary complaints such as dysuria, strangury, hematuria, albuminuria, cystitis and urethritis. It is also a helpful remedy for intestinal worms and for the ill effects of vaccinations.

It is indicated in conditions of gastric disorders with diarrhea and vomiting, urinary infections and nervous affections with trembling and contractures of the muscles with great weakness and prostration.

Mind and Head: Fainting and drowsiness with great sadness. Weakness and confusion of mind with loss of consciousness, delirium and headache. Sensation of tight band around the head especially forehead. Aversion to touch and fear of being alone in children with pale , sunken face.

Stomach: Difficulty in swallowing of fluids with thirst for cold water. Nausea and vomiting after food followed by weakness and prostration and desire for apples, fruits, and acids. Nausea with anxiety and oppression in the chest followed by headache.

Abdomen: Distention of abdomen with colic and much flatus. Pressing in the abdomen on stooping. Intestinal infection with diarrhea and vomiting.

Urinary: Urinary infections with burning sensation in urethra during and after urination with pain in bladder. Increased and frequent urging to urinate with inflammation of bladder and urethra with strictures. Swelling of the testicles in males.

Respiratory Organs: Loss of voice with cough and rattling of mucus in the chest. Difficulty in breathing with short, rapid breath and sensation of suffocation. Increased secretion of mucus in the chest, bronchial tubes and throat with very little expectoration. Cough after eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Collection of fluid in the lungs with sever palpitation. Difficulty in breathing relieved by flatus. Sensation of fainting with cough and faint, rapid pulse.

Modalities: Worse, in evening, at night, from warmth, damp cold weather, from all sour foods and milk. Better from sitting erect, eructation and expectoration.

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