It is a very useful remedy in ailments of the eyes such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis where redness and inflammation are marked features. The pains are of a sudden and piercing nature.

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Product Details

Apis Mellifica CH is a Homoeopathic Dilution prepared from the Honey Bee and is a frequently used remedy for swelling and puffiness along with stinging type of pains. There is great soreness and intolerance of heat. All complaints are worse in the afternoon and by the slightest touch. It acts especially well on the skin. It is an anti inflammatory medicine. There is a sense of stiffness of parts with marked weakness.The patient is prone to drop things and has frequent mood changes. There is dizziness and vertigo that is worse on lying down or on closing the eyes. It is a very useful remedy in ailments of the eyes such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis where redness and inflammation are marked features. The pains are of a sudden and piercing nature. The face appears red and puffy and there is a lack of thirst. It is useful in cases of ovarian affections especially of the right ovary and hence useful in cases of ovarian cysts and PCOD.

This remedy acts mainly on skin and mucous membranes with inflammations, dropsical effusions, inflammation of kidneys, skin, inflammation of coatings of inner organs and serous membranes

Eyes: Swelling of the eyelids with burning and stinging pains and eversion of lids. Inflammation of conjunctiva with congestion, puffiness of eyes and hot tears. Pain in the orbits with intense photophobia and sharp pains. Inflammation of eyes with constant thick discharges. Styes and staphyloma of cornea.

Mouth: Swelling of tongue which is red, swollen, sore, and raw, with vesicular eruptions. Mouth, lips, throat, tongue and gums feels hot scalded and red. The lining membrane of the mouth and throat looks red, shiny and glossy in appearance.

Throat: Feels constricted with stinging pains. Tonsils and uvula swollen, puffy, red and sac-like with ulcers on the tonsils. Sensation of sticking and pain in the throat as from a fishbone in throat.

Urine: Suppression of urine with burning and soreness while urinating. Frequent, involuntary urination with stinging pain, burning with scanty, high colored urine with casts.

Female: Swelling of the labia relieved by application of cold water. Pain in the ovarian region especially on the right side with soreness and stinging pains and tenderness over the uterine region. Suppression of menses with severe pain and headache in young girls. Painful menses with uterine tumors and inflammation of uterus.

Skin: Swelling of the skin and parts after insect bites with soreness and stinging pains. Very sensitive with pain, swelling and redness. Oedematous swelling of the extremities, effusion of the joints, infection of the boils and puffiness of face and body.

Modalities: Worse from heat, touch, pressure and heated rooms. Better in open air and from cold applications.

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