It is reported to be useful in ascites, diabetes insipidus, enuresis, hydrocephalus, nausea, tobacco-heart, etc.

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Product Details

It is indicated in dropsies, ascites, anasarca and hydrothorax, and urinary troubles, especially suppression and strangury. In the digestive complaints of Bright’s disease, with the nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, difficult breathing, it will be found of frequent service. The dropsy is characterized by great thirst and gastric irritability. Arrhythmia. Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. Acute alcoholism.

Helpful in cases of swellings and increases sweat production. Acute swelling of the scalp. Low pulse. Useful in cases when urine is suppressed. Urine troubles accompanied by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and difficult breathing. Swelling with a lot of thirst and stomach complaints.

Nose: Chronic sneeze. Snuffles of children . Chronic colds with dull headache. Nose blocks easily.

Stomach: Nausea, with sleepiness. Vomiting with excessive thirst. Chest and abdomen feel oppressed causing difficulty in breathing. Abdomen feels bloated.

Stool: Watery stools; worse after eating. Stool runs out of the anus as if there were no control over the bowel movements.

Urine: Bladder feels distended. Burning after urination from hot urine with thick mucus in it. Dribbling of urine.

Female: Menses delayed with water retention and bloating. Excessive bleeding with fainting spells. Blood containing clots.

Sleep: Very restless, unable to sleep.

Modalities: Worse in cold weather, by drinking cold drinks; by uncovering.

Other symptoms found in:
1. Mind
2. Respiratory
3. Chest

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