It is reported to be useful in catalepsy, dyspepsia, malaria, scurvy, rickets, etc.
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It is indicated in malarial poisoning, where every damp day or place favours chilliness. Patient feels cold to the very bones. Coldness not relieved by anything. Feeling as if parts were enlarged and heavier. Abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers, etc. or in damp, chilly places.
Suits conditions of a periodic nature with coldness, and great susceptibility to dampness. Chilly till the bones. Feels as if parts were enlarged, feel heavier than normal. Wakes up at night and thinks that hands were twice their normal size.
Head: Pain in right side of face. Confusion that is better by smoking and going out in the open air. Heat and flickering in front of eyes that gets worse in damp weather. Sudden and violent pain at night on lying down.
Abdomen: Left side of abdomen feels enlarged. Pain in abdomen at the same hour every day. Heaviness in lower abdomen. Diarrhea.
Extremities: Arms and legs go to sleep. Deep pain in extremities. Parts feel swollen.
Sleep: unable to sleep from restlessness. Arms and legs feel swollen and go to sleep often.
Fever: Chills , with pain in limbs. Feels as if a stone were lodged in the abdomen at the same time every day. Feels cold all the time especially in rainy weather.
Modalities: Worse, in damp weather; late in afternoon, and at midnight. Better by smoking tobacco.
Other symptoms also found in:
1. Female
2. Chest