It is one of the most useful remedies in various disorders of skin, digestion, lung infections, heart troubles, food poisoning, insect bites, anxiety and fear etc.

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Product Details

Arsenicum album CH is a homoeopathic dilution which is indicated for many conditions and complaints. It has action on mind and used in the treatment of anxiety and fear caused by insecurity. It has its main action on the digestive system especially on the mucous membranes. It produces characteristic burning pain in the places it acts. It is used as a preventive remedy and acute remedy for viral fevers and food poisoning. It is also used in the treatment of allergies, depression, sleep disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.

It is one of the most useful remedies in various disorders of skin, digestion, lung infections, heart troubles, food poisoning, insect bites, etc.

Mind: Irritability of the mind with great anxiety and restlessness. Great fear of everything, of death, of being alone with cold sweat. Hopeless and suicidal with hallucinations of smell and sight. Increased sensitivity with fear, anguish, restlessness and despair.

Respiratory: Oppression of chest with difficult respiration, cannot lie down due to sense of suffocation. Constriction of air passages with breathing difficulty worse at midnight. Cough worse at midnight and while lying on back with scanty sputum. Difficult, suffocating and wheezing respiration with dry cough and spitting of blood with sputum.

Heart: Pain and suffocation with palpitation, pain, breathlessness and faintness. Rapid pulsations with dilated chambers and cyanotic discoloration. Pain in the chest radiating to neck and arms and fatty degeneration of heart.

Skin: Dry eruptions, papular, dry, rough, scaly with intense itching and burning. Oedema, swelling, ulcers and pustules with offensive discharges. Urticarial rashes, scaly eruptions, with burning and restlessness. Infection of boils, insect bites and poisoned wounds.

Fever: Increased temperature with marked periodicity. Infectious fevers with intermittent episodes and severe exhaustion with cold sweats. Great restlessness and great prostration.

Modalities: Worse from wet weather, after midnight; from cold, cold drinks and food, and seashore. Better from heat and warm drinks.

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