It is reported to be useful in convulsions, enuresis, epilepsy, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, spinal irritation, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
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It is indicated in feeling as if head were screwed up; walking caused the most severe sticking pains. Headache, with flushed face, blindness, and delirium. Burning in back under sternum and in region of stomachIt is indicated in feeling as if head were screwed up; walking caused the most severe sticking pains. Headache, with flushed face, blindness, and delirium. Burning in back under sternum and in region of stomachIt is indicated in feeling as if head were screwed up; walking caused the most severe sticking pains. Headache, with flushed face, blindness, and delirium. Burning in back under sternum and in region of stomach