It is reported to be useful in breast cancer, bubo, hay-fever, haemorrhoids, ophthalmia, rheumatism, syphilis, whooping-cough, etc.

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Product Details

It is indicated in Soreness of muscles and integuments; worse motion and friction of clothes, with sensitiveness to cold. Glands swollen. General paresis. Basedow’s disease. Lues, bubo, roseola.

The remedy is useful in relieving soreness of skin, muscles and joints. The complaints are worse from friction of clothes and cold. Swelling of the glands.

Head:?The head feels full and large with pain in the forehead and temples extending to eyeballs. Dizzy sensation in the head with blueness under eyes. Dandruff in the hair, dry tetter-like with sore and sensitive scalp. Oversensitive to noise. Watery discharge from nose with sneezing.

Eyes: Involuntary twitching of left upper eyelid. Tenderness and pain in the eyeballs with intermittent soreness starting at 3 pm.

Respiratory system:?Difficulty in breathing and suffocative cough which gets worse in the afternoon and feels better in warm room. The sputum flies out of mouth and nostrils while coughing which is thick, yellowish in colour. Frequent sneezing attacks with running nose, with difficult breathing. Painful stitches in the chest, neck and back while breathing.

Stomach: Excessive thirst with hot, dry mouth. Shock like pains in the pit of the stomach which extends to back.

Female: Increased blood flow from the uterus during menses getting worse at night with sensation of enlargement of head. It is indicated in inflammation and induration of mammary glands.

Heart: Sensation of discomfort around the region of heart with soreness and pain with painful stitches extending to back.

Other symptoms are also found in:
1. Skin
2. Back

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