The patient is prone to catch cold and has suppurating tonsillitis after every episode of cold. There is coryza with swelling of the upper lip and the nose.

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Product Details

The patient is prone to catch cold and has suppurating tonsillitis after every episode of cold. There is coryza with swelling of the upper lip and the nose. Sensation of cobwebs on the face is a characteristic feature. The abdomen is hard and tense along with a lot of distension. There is swelling of the glands around the neck. There is offensive sweat of the feet. All complaints are worse from thinking of the complaints, from washing and from lying on the painful side and are better by walking in the open air.

It is a useful remedy in children with frequent respiratory infections, tonsillitis, glandular affections, degenerative changes in old people, indigestion, sexual weakness in males, heart troubles and degenerative changes of blood vessels.

Nose: Dryness and swelling of nose with sneezing and coryza with swelling of the upper lip. Bleeding from the nose, with crusts in the wing of the nose. Thick, yellowish discharges from nose with sensation of suffocation from smoke.

Mouth: Dryness of mouth with foul taste especially when waking up. Pain in the teeth with bleeding and receding of gums. Sores and apthous in the mouth with smarting and burning pain in the tongue. On swallowing food there is spasmodic contraction of oesophagus.

Throat: Inflammation of submaxillary glands and tonsils with stinging pains in the throat, pharynx and larynx. Infection of tonsils with inflammation, swollen veins and formation of abscess in the tonsils. Catches cold easily with frequent infection of tonsils with sore throat and difficulty in swallowing. Sensation of a plug in pharynx with difficulty in swallowing, can only take liquids. Painful deglutition worse on empty swallowing with spasms in the oesophagus on swallowing food.

Stomach: Increased salivation with weak digestion. Frequent hiccough and eructation which relieves the pressure in the abdomen. Heaviness and pain in the abdomen worse after warm food. Aversion to food despite good appetite.

Respiratory: Sensation of suffocation in the chest as if lungs and larynx are filled with smoke. Pain and stitches in the chest with dry, suffocative cough in old people. Opious mucus but difficult to expectorate.

Heart: Degenerative changes in the heart of old age. Weak heart with palpitation and distress in the region of heart. Affections of blood vessels with contraction, hard pulsations and increased blood pressure.

Modalities: Worse from washing and lying on painful side. Better by walking in open air.

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