It is also useful for affections of the liver, joint pains, urinary and menstrual complaints

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It helps in cases of wandering and radiating pains with a bubbling sensation in affected parts. Symptoms are changeable such as thirst alternating with thirstlessness and hunger alternating with a loss of appetite. It also acts well in affections of the gall bladder such as cholecystitis along with jaundice and diarrhea. It is a very valuable remedy for urethritis when the chief symptoms are the bubbling sensation in the region of the kidneys, sensation as if some urine remained after micturating and burning in urethra when not passing urine.

Clinically it is indicated for infection and inflammation of urinary system with tendency to formation of stones. It also acts on the venous system, biliary system and joints. It is useful in cases of engorgement of veins in pelvis and rectum, haemorrhoids, liver diseases, rheumatic affections, urinary infections, and menstrual disorders.

Abdomen: Pain in the right side of the abdomen with stitches in the liver region. Inflammation and pain in the gall bladder with constipation and yellowish complexion. Dull pain in the back, in the region of kidneys and pain in the front of the kidneys extending to liver, spleen, stomach and groins.

Urinary: Frequent desire to urinate with burning sensation in the urethra. Urinary incontinence with unfinished, dissatisfied feeling after urination. Urine is thick, mucoid and bright-red with thick sediment. Pain in the region of bladder with bubbling sensation in the kidneys. Pain extends from loins to groins while urinating.

Female: Neuralgic pains in ovaries and vagina with spasmodic contraction and tenderness of vagina. Decreased sexual desire with burning, soreness and cutting pain in vagina during intercourse. Scanty menses and leucorrhea with gray mucus and pain in kidneys extending down the thighs.

Back: Pain in the neck and back with numbness and bruised feeling. Pain and chills in the region of kidneys radiating to hips and groins. Pain with stitches radiating from kidneys into the bladder. Stiffness and numbness of the back with tearing pains in the region of kidneys. Smaller joints especially of fingers and toes feel sprained. It is also indicated for paost operative pain in the back especially in the lumbar region.

Extremities: Pain in the joints of shoulders, arms, hands and fingers, legs and feet. Neuralgic pains in the nail beds with swelling of the joints of fingers and toes. Chills extend throughout the thighs with pain. Pain in the heels and balls of feet, as if ulcerated. Extreme tiredness and weakness of legs after walking, even a short distance.

Skin: Intense itching of the skin with burning after scratching. Warts that are flat and pustules all over the body. Itching in the hands and anus from eczematous eruptions. Increased pigmentation in circumscribed spots after eczematous inflammation.

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