It is reported to be useful in aphthae, ear-discharge, plica-polonica, pleurisy, dysmenorrhoea, ulcers, sterility, vertigo, etc.

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Product Details

It is indicated in salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea, collapse, albuminuria, casts and vesical spasm. Delirium, visual changes, haematuria, and skin eruptions.

Borax is indicated in inflammation of stomach and intestines with irritation, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic and diarrhea, urinary infections with albuminuria, casts and spasm of the bladder and sometimes bloody urine, apthous ulcers of mucous membranes and convulsions.

Mouth: Aphthous ulceration of mucous membranes of mouth and throat which bleeds on touch and eating. Oral thrushes with white fungous like growth. Boils in the gums with hot and tender mouth with bitter taste.

Urine: Urinary infections and inflammatory diseases of kidneys with albuminuria, casts and smarting pain in urethra. Urine hot and strong smelling. Painful urination where the child cries and screams before urinating with tiny, red particles on the diaper.

Female: Intense itching of vulva with profuse leucorrhea like thick starch. Increased secretion of breast milk with pain in the breast. Menses too early and too profuse with membranous shreds, colic, nausea and pain in stomach extending to the sacrum. Eczema of vulva with severe itching, and labor pains with constant belching.

Extremities: Sensation of cobwebs on hands with itching on the back of fingers and hands. Pulsating pain in the tip of the thumb and burning pain in the great toe. Inflammation of the metatarsals with stitches in the sole and pain in the heels. Itching eczematous eruptions of toes and fingers with loss of nails.

Skin: Dry scaly eruptions with inflammation and redness, reddish areas on face, vesicular eruptions along the nerve, chilblains and raised reddish patches of the skin. Tendency to suppuration of least injuries. Unhealthy skin with itching on back of the hands and fingers. Dry and fuzzy hair with tangles at the end.

Modalities: Worse from downward motion, noise, smoking, warm weather and after menses. Better from pressure, evening and cold weather.

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