It is reported to be useful in cancer, carbuncles, epilepsy, malignant pustule, meningitis, pemphigus, stammering, whitlow, etc.
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in use in feeble-minded children. Prematurely senile.Epileptic symptoms. Convulsive seizures occur during sleep at night. More or less connected with derangements of the sexual sphere, seem to come within the range of this remedy. Injuries to fingers; pain runs in streaks up the arms.
It acts on the nervous system and skin and the uterus.
Nervous system: Nervous disorders with convulsions especially that occurs during sleep and at night. Convulsive attacks in weak minded children.
Skin: It acts well on skin eruptions with pus. Infections of the nailbed and hangnails. Suppuration from every slight injury. Fluid filled blisters which opens and leaves a raw surface and acrid watery discharge. Blisters on palms and soles with itching and burning. Clusters of boils with tendency to suppuration.
Female: Menses very early and copious with clots. White discharge thin and watery. Convulsive attacks during menses. Induration and hardness of the breasts with bloody milk. Burning pain in the ovaries and uterus and ulceration of cervix with offensive bloody discharges. Pain extends to the legs with swollen veins. Tumors and polypi of the uterus.
Male: Involuntary emissions, discharge too quick with spasms during coition. Inability to perform sexual act. Increased sexual desire with disposition to handle the organs.
Extremities: Pain in the joints with convulsive episodes. Injuries to fingers especially the nailbeds, very painful where the pain run up to the arms. Pain in the loins and numbness of limbs with cramps and staggering gait. Swelling of bones with feeling as if a peg were driven into the joints.
Other symptoms are also found in:
1. Mind
2. Head
3. Eyes
4. Ears
5. Heart