It is also used in the treatment of acne, arthritis, vaginal discharges in women and worm complaints in children.

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Product Details

Calcarea carbonica CH is used in the treatment of chronic fatigue and it is a remedy for treating chronically tired and exhausted persons. It is mainly useful in poorly nourished or malnourished persons. It restores the weakened bones and skin conditions. it improves the immune system of the weak subjects. It is also used in the treatment of acne, arthritis, vaginal discharges in women and worm complaints in children. It is also a good remedy for depression and mental retardation in children.

The main spheres of action of this remedy are the glands, skin, and bones. It is indicated in swelling of glands, glandular affection especially?thyroid and pituitary glands with affections of growth and malnutrition, rachitic conditions, chronic lung infections, muscular abscesses, polyps and bony outgrowths.

Head: Heaviness, heat and pressure on top of the head with pale face. Headache and nausea from mental exertion with cold hands and feet and vertigo on ascending. Delayed closure of the fontanelles with large head and increased sweat in children. Itching of scalp and scratching often.

Ears: Pain in the ears with throbbing pulsations and cracking and sensitivity to cold air. Hearing troubles from working in the water. Inflammation and infection of middle ear with fetid discharges and polypi of the ears that bleed easily. Enlargement of glands around the ear with itching eruption on and behind the ears.

Nose: Blockage of nose with sore and ulcerated nostrils. Foul smelling discharges from nose with bad odor from nose. Mucus outgrowths wih bleeding and running nose with inflammation of the root of nose

Face: Face pale with sunken eyes and swelling of upper lip. Itching eruptions on the face which burns after washing and itchy pimples on the hairy parts of face. Swelling of the glands of the neck with pain in the lower jaw extending to the ears.

Mouth: Constant sour taste in mouth with sour salivation. Fetid odor from the mouth with toothache and bleeding from the gums. Problems with teething in children with sensitivity to cold air. Burning pain at the tip of tongue with dryness at night.

Throat: Inflammation of tonsils and submaxillary glands with pain and soreness on swallowing. Difficulty in clearing the mucus in the throat, with much hawking and difficulty in swallowing food. Inflammation and infections of the parotid glands.

Modalities: Worse from exertion, mental or physical, cold, washing, moist air, wet weather, standing. Better from dry climate and weather and lying on painful side.

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