It is also useful in cases of breast cancer, goiter, tuberculosis, cataract, congenital syphilis, etc.
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It helps in cases where hardness of parts is a strong symptom such as in the cases of cancers, lymphadenopathies, cysts, goiter, arteriosclerosis, etc. It is also recommended in cases of hydrocele with induration of the testes. It is also a very valuable remedy in case of rickets in children especially when the long bones are primarily affected by it.
It is indicated clinically in cases of hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins, and malnutrition of bones, induration, tumors and hardness of breast, inflammation of glands especially thyroid, opacity of cornea, caries and necrosis of bones and teeth with boring pains, narrowing of arteries, chronic lung infections, etc.
Ears: Thickening of tympanic membrane with calcareous deposits and hence defects in hearing. Degenerative changes in ear ossicles and petrous part of temporal bone, with deafness and abnormal sounds in the ears and chronic infection of middle ear with pustular discharges.
Mouth: Swelling and induration of tongue with cracks and boils on the gums with swelling of the jaw. Loose teeth which detach easily from their sockets, with pain when the food touches the teeth.
Throat: Sore throat with swelling and inflammation of tonsils with persistent mucus in the throat. Enlargement of tonsils with pain and burning in throat, elongated uvula with tickling in the larynx.
Respiratory Organs: Loss of voice with dry cough with expelling of tiny lumps of yellowish mucus with tickling sensation and irritation of throat. It is effective in fibroid deposits in the endocardium.
Circulatory Organs: It is indicated for vascular lesions with valvular insufficiencies dilated blood vessels and enlarged veins.
Extremities: Enlargement, ganglions, nodosites and synovial effusions of the joints of the fingers.
Modalities: Worse from rest and changes in weather. Better from heat and warm applications.