It is reported to be useful in angina pectoris, asthma, headache, paralysis, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It is found useful in loss of appetite, rapid debility, night sweats; Acne pustulosa. Pallor of skin, habitually cold extremities.
Clinically it is indicated for chronic headache, congestion of lungs, affections of heart and blood vessels with excessive sweating.
Mind: Very depressed, restless with indisposition to move about
Head: Dull, heavy, pressing pain, across top of head, including whole of parietal bones, increasing gradually with mental depression increasing in proportion. Sensation of fullness and oppression around the heart. Dull pain in the vertex, extending to forehead. Pain extends from right to left temple throughout whole frontal bone.
Heart: Great fullness and oppression around the heart and fullness throughout the whole thorax and head. Veins of hands, arms, neck, and head, swollen and tortuous, standing out like whipcords. Difficulty in breathing, must have windows open with profuse sweat and loss of energy.
Extremities: Complete loss of muscular power, unable to rise from chair or move either arms or legs in the least. Total loss of all desire to move or make any muscular exertion, with inability to do so. Vein of the extremities swollen.
Fever: Profuse sweat all over. When the symptoms passes of, lips gets dry and cracked, as from fever with considerable thirst.