It is reported to be useful in cancer, flatulence, glandular swellings, headache, mollitiesossium, tumours, etc.

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Product Details

This remedy has been found of usefulin the treatment of scrofulous affections, especially enlarged glands, tonsils, etc., that this remedy has gained marked beneficial results. Thyroid enlargements about time of puberty.Flabby children subject to colds. Secretions inclined to be profuse and yellow.

This remedy is suitable to children with glandular affections with lung infections. The secretions are profuse and yellow in color.
Head: Feels light headed. Headache from cold winds. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of nose which is severe at the root of the nose with sneezing and loss of smell. Polypi of nose and the ear.

Throat: Inflammation of tonsils filled with little crypts.

Respiratory: Chronic cough with pain in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Inflammation of larynx, trachea and bronchi with thick, green pus like sputum. Chronic lung infections when the air sacs become heavy and hard with pus like mucus.

Skin: Slow healing wounds and ulcers accompanying varicose veins. Copper-coloured, papular eruptions, dry cracked skin, ringworm, scaly eruptions in the scalp of the infants. Swelling of the lymph glands.

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