It is reported to be useful in abscess, balanitis, burns, carbuncle, chilblains, fistula, glandular swelling, ulcers, whitlow, etc.
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Product Details
This remedy has been found of usefulfor open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc. Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention.Haemostatic after tooth extraction.Deafness.Catarrhal conditions.Neuroma.Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury. Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather.Paralysis after apoplexy.Cancer, as an inter-current remedy. Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free.
It is one of the most remarkable healing remedy when applied locally. It is useful in treating open wounds, slow healing ulcers, etc by promoting healthy granulation and increases the blood circulation and thereby rapid healing.
Head: Very nervous, easily frightened with tearing headache. Sensation as if weight on the brain. Submaxillary glands swollen and painful to touch. It helps to arrest the bleeding after tooth extraction. Lacerated wounds on the scalp. Prone to frequent skin infections with reddish, raised, well demarcated eruptions.
Eyes: Injuries to eyes with tendency to suppuration. For injuries after surgeries, and increased discharge of mucus from lachrymal sac due to infection.
Ears: Difficulty in hearing which is worse in damp surroundings with itching eruptions. Can hear well on a train and sounds from distance.
Skin: It is indicated for superficial burns and scalds, raised reddish plaques. It promotes scar formation with less suppuration. Skin yellowish, slough, proud flesh and raised edges.
Female: Inflammation and enlargement of uterus, sensation of weight and heaviness in the pelvis. Chronic inflammation of the cervix, with external os lower than usual. Warts at the external os of the cervix. Stretching pain in the groins on sudden movements. Increased flow or menses suppressed from cough.
Modalities: Worse in damp, heavy and cloudy weather.