It is reported to be useful in fever, leprosy, lupus, syphilis, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
This remedy has been found of useful forheat in stomach is a good guiding symptom. Obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles become harder and firmer.
This remedy is useful in the treatment of many infectious skin disorders and lung infections, joint pains, intestinal worms, inflammatory disorders of intestines and snake bites.
Skin: It helps in healing wounds, skin ulcers and blotches. It is also indicated in conditions with decreased pigmentation and severe thickening of skin.
Stomach: Heat in the stomach with acute dysentery and constant eructations.
Urinary system: Frequent urination with strong smell and dark red urine.
Extremities: Cramps in the right palm worse from grasping things. Pain in the wrist joint worse from movement. Pain in the right thigh, below the groin, sore, swollen and painful on every step. Intermittent pains on left foot with restlessness.
Fever: Head hot and body cold. Cheeks burn like fire, with frequent chills passing up through the spine. Chills return towards bedtime, even when close to fire. Profuse sweating alternates with chills.