It is reported to be useful in angina pectoris, cholera asiatica, epilepsy, hyperpyrexia, measles, rheumatism, insomnia, sunstroke, etc.

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Product Details

This remedy has been found of useful foricy coldness of the whole body; sudden sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. First stages of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing.Subsultus and extreme restlessness.Cracking of joints.Epileptiform convulsions. Camphor has a direct relationship to muscles and fascia. In local rheumatic affections in cold climates necessary.

It is indicated in conditions with a general state of collapse with icy coldness of the whole body, extreme weakness with weak pulse. For first stages of cold with sneezing and chilliness, violent convulsions and cracking of joints. It acts as a heart stimulant.

Head: Dizziness with tendency to lose consciousness, feels as if he would die. Headaches with fever, cold and body pains. Nose cold and pinched, tongue cold and flabby with cold sweats. Fleeting pains in the temples and orbits with soreness of the head. Throbbing pain in the occipital region along with pulsation.

Nose: Blockage of nose with sneezing. Running nose, fluent from sudden change of weather. Persistent bleeding from the nose with goose-flesh.

Respiratory: Discomfort in the region of the heart with suffocation and difficult breathing. Violent, dry and hacking cough with cold breath. Severe palpitation with suspended respiration.

Extremities: Severe muscular pains in between the shoulders. Numbness, tingling and coldness of the extremities. Sudden twitching of the muscles with restlessness. Cracking in the joints and cramps in the calves. Icy cold feet with pains as if from a sprain. Difficult movements.

Fever: Fever with cold, pale and livid skin. Pulse small, slow and weak. Icy coldness of the whole body but does not want to be covered. Cold sweat with cold, flabby and trembling tongue.

Modalities: Worse from motion, night, contact and cold air. Better from warmth.

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