It is reported to be useful in ascites, asthma, cystitis, headache, nephritis, phimosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, priapism, urethral caruncle.

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Product Details

This remedy has been found of useful in urinary, sexual, and respiratory complaints. It has characteristic sensations as of dropping water. Great fatigue, as from over-exertion; weary after meals.

This remedy has a special sphere of action on the genitor-urinary system and respiratory organs. It has a characteristic sensation of dropping of water.

Head: Aversion to any kind of work, to write or read. Dizziness with sensation of water dropping on the head. Pressure at the root of the nose.

Eyes: Opacity of cornea from nervous disturbances, abuse of alcohol and tobacco. Eye troubles with misty vision and pain in the eyeballs. Pressure from the back of eyes extending forwards. Eye troubles from infectious disease.

Urinary system: Retention of urine with obstinate constipation. Painful urging with stitches in the urethra. Inflammation of urethra with soreness to touch. Urination in split streams, scalding with spasmodic closure of sphincter. Burning during urination extending to bladder with very sensitive urethra. Walks with legs apart. Dragging in testicles with zigzag pain along the urethra. Sexual overexcitement. Difficulty and pain from retracting the foreskin. Blockage of urethra by mucus and pus.

Female: Absence or scanty menses with loss of physical energy with constipation.

Respiratory: Difficulty in breathing with sensation of oppression and weight on the chest. Palpitation with rattling and wheezing while breathing. Must stand up. Cough with green, thick and bloody sputum.

Modalities: worse from going upstairs and lying down.

Other symptoms are also found in:
1. Heart
2. Sleep
3. Extremities

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