It is also indicated in gastric, hepatic and abdominal complaints, gastric derangements of pregnancy where all the symptoms are associated with irritation of the bladder.

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Product Details

Cantharis CH is one of the chief remedies that act on the urinary and sexual organs with constant urging to urinate. It is also indicated in gastric, hepatic and abdominal complaints, gastric derangements of pregnancy where all the symptoms are associated with irritation of the bladder. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is one of the chief remedies that act on the urinary and sexual organs with constant urging to urinate. It is also indicated in gastric, hepatic and abdominal complaints, gastric derangements of pregnancy where all the symptoms are associated with irritation of the bladder.

Throat: Inflammation of throat with burning and scalding sensation of the mouth, pharynx and throat with furrowed and cracked tongue with vesicles and reddish edges. Thick viscid mucus in the throat and pharynx with difficulty in swallowing liquids. Spasmodic contraction of the throat excited by touching the larynx

Chest: Collection of fluid in the lung cavities with severe ,sharp pains in the chest. Difficulty in breathing with severe palpitation and frequent, short, dry and hacking cough and tendency to lose consciousness.

Urine: Irritation of bladder with intolerable urging and painful urination. Inflammation of kidneys with bloody urine and violent cutting and burning pains in the region of kidneys with painful urging to urinate. Severe tenesmus with sharp cutting pains before, during, and after urination. Hot scalding urine passed in drops.

Female: Painful urination with retained placenta, in removing moles, dead products of conception and membranes. Increased sexual desire, inflammation of uterus after child birth with inflammation of bladder. Menses too early and too profuse with irritation and swelling of vulva and pain in the coccyx. Pain in the ovarian region which is extremely sensitive too touch.

Skin: Inflammatory skin diseases from irritation, eczema of scrotum and genital due to increased perspiration. Itching, scaly eruptions and burning vesicular eruptions. It is indicated for sunburn, burns, scalds, with rawness and smarting, relieved by cold applications. Reddish areas of inflamed skin of vesicular type, with pain and restlessness.
Modalities: Worse from touch, urinating, drinking cold water or coffee. Better by rubbing.

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