It is reported to be useful in asthma, delirium tremens, dysentery, haemorrhoids, heartburn, measles, obesity, rheumatic gout, rheumatism, whooping-cough, etc.

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Product Details

This remedy has been found of useful in persons of lax fiber, weak; diminished vital heat. A relaxed plethoric sluggish, cold remedy. Not much reactive force. Such persons are fat, indolent, opposed to physical exertion, averse to go outside of their routine, get homesick easily. General uncleanliness of body.Abstainers from accustomed alcoholics. It affects the mucous membranes, producing a sensation of constriction. Inflammation of petrous bone.Burning pains and general chilliness. Older people who have exhausted their vitality, especially by mental work, and poor living; blear-eyed appearance; who do not react.

It is indicated in conditions where the mucous membranes are inflamed with smarting and burning sensation. Burning pains and chilliness, with sensation of constriction in the sphincters. Marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory conditions.

Ears: Inflammation of mastoid and tenderness over the temples, extremely sore and tender to touch. Pus like discharge from ears and disease of mastoid. Burning and stinging in ears.

Throat: Burning with hot feeling in the throat with pain and dryness extending to the ears. Inflammation of Eustachian tube, uvula and palate. Sore throat of smokers and drunkards. Smarting with constriction which is worse in between swallowing.

Stomach: Weak digestion with much flatulence. Intense craving for stimulants with burning in the tip of the tongue. Vomiting with sinking at the pit of the stomach. Increased thirst but drinking causes chilliness and shuddering.

Stool: Sensation of incomplete defecation. Passage of bloody mucus with burning sensation. Backache after stools. Increased thirst after stool with shivering. Bleeding piles with soreness of the anus and stinging pain during stool.

Urine: Painful urination with severe burning in the urethra. Frequent urge and incomplete urination. Constriction of the neck of the bladder with dripping and spurting of urine.

Modalities: Better from eating and heat. Worse from open air, uncovering and draughts

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