It is reported to be useful in acne rosacea, cancer, cataract, empyema, gangrene, haemorrhoids, home-sickness, pleurisy, etc.
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Product Details
This remedy has been found of useful in scrofulous and venous constitutions, old people, and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality. Glands are indurated, veins distended, skin blue. Stitch remaining after pleurisy. Easily strained from lifting. Weakness of nursing women. Ulceration and decomposition. All its secretions are offensive.
It is especially adapted to old people with weak vitality, feeble circulation and glandular affections. For weakening diseases.
Head: Pain as if head has been blown to pieces. Sensation as if something lies above her eyes that she could not look up. Confusion in the sense of hearing, cannot identify the direction of the sounds. Rush of blood to the head with confusion. Dizziness followed by nose-bleed. Bluish cheeks and lips, nose swollen with bluish tip.
Stomach: Empty feeling in the stomach but eating tires the patient. Weak digestion with accumulation of gas. Aversion to fat food ,with sour water from the mouth.
Female: Morning sickness, nausea from pregnancy worse at night. Offensive discharge from vagina after childbirth. Menses too early, too frequent and long lasting followed by great weakness. Flow only in the morning. Burning in vagina and labia. Induration of breasts especially the right side with darting pains.
Skin: Red, pimply eruptions in clusters. Soft ulcers and copper colored eruptions all over the body. Chilblains which gets worse in the evening and cold. Small warts on hands and face of old people with blueness of the extremities. Glands indurated and swollen, painful in the neck, axillae, groins, mammae, with cutting pains. Large blisters of the skin.
Extremities: Joints painful and weak. Pain in the coccyx, burns when touched. Ankles turn easily and pain in the hip joints at night. Straining and weightlifting produces great weakness with profuse and offensive night sweats.
Modalities: Worse after shaving and loss of fluids.